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1   /*
2    * Copyright 2016-2023 The OSHI Project Contributors
3    * SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
4    */
5   package oshi.hardware.platform.unix.freebsd;
7   import java.time.LocalDate;
8   import java.util.Arrays;
9   import java.util.HashMap;
10  import java.util.List;
11  import java.util.Locale;
12  import java.util.Map;
14  import oshi.annotation.concurrent.ThreadSafe;
15  import oshi.hardware.PowerSource;
16  import oshi.hardware.common.AbstractPowerSource;
17  import oshi.util.Constants;
18  import oshi.util.ExecutingCommand;
19  import oshi.util.ParseUtil;
20  import oshi.util.platform.unix.freebsd.BsdSysctlUtil;
22  /**
23   * A Power Source
24   */
25  @ThreadSafe
26  public final class FreeBsdPowerSource extends AbstractPowerSource {
28      public FreeBsdPowerSource(String psName, String psDeviceName, double psRemainingCapacityPercent,
29              double psTimeRemainingEstimated, double psTimeRemainingInstant, double psPowerUsageRate, double psVoltage,
30              double psAmperage, boolean psPowerOnLine, boolean psCharging, boolean psDischarging,
31              CapacityUnits psCapacityUnits, int psCurrentCapacity, int psMaxCapacity, int psDesignCapacity,
32              int psCycleCount, String psChemistry, LocalDate psManufactureDate, String psManufacturer,
33              String psSerialNumber, double psTemperature) {
34          super(psName, psDeviceName, psRemainingCapacityPercent, psTimeRemainingEstimated, psTimeRemainingInstant,
35                  psPowerUsageRate, psVoltage, psAmperage, psPowerOnLine, psCharging, psDischarging, psCapacityUnits,
36                  psCurrentCapacity, psMaxCapacity, psDesignCapacity, psCycleCount, psChemistry, psManufactureDate,
37                  psManufacturer, psSerialNumber, psTemperature);
38      }
40      /**
41       * Gets Battery Information
42       *
43       * @return A list of PowerSource objects representing batteries, etc.
44       */
45      public static List<PowerSource> getPowerSources() {
46          return Arrays.asList(getPowerSource("BAT0"));
47      }
49      private static FreeBsdPowerSource getPowerSource(String name) {
50          String psName = name;
51          double psRemainingCapacityPercent = 1d;
52          double psTimeRemainingEstimated = -1d; // -1 = unknown, -2 = unlimited
53          double psPowerUsageRate = 0d;
54          int psVoltage = -1;
55          double psAmperage = 0d;
56          boolean psPowerOnLine = false;
57          boolean psCharging = false;
58          boolean psDischarging = false;
59          CapacityUnits psCapacityUnits = CapacityUnits.RELATIVE;
60          int psCurrentCapacity = 0;
61          int psMaxCapacity = 1;
62          int psDesignCapacity = 1;
63          int psCycleCount = -1;
64          LocalDate psManufactureDate = null;
66          double psTemperature = 0d;
68          // state 0=full, 1=discharging, 2=charging
69          int state = BsdSysctlUtil.sysctl("hw.acpi.battery.state", 0);
70          if (state == 2) {
71              psCharging = true;
72          } else {
73              int time = BsdSysctlUtil.sysctl("hw.acpi.battery.time", -1);
74              // time is in minutes
75              psTimeRemainingEstimated = time < 0 ? -1d : 60d * time;
76              if (state == 1) {
77                  psDischarging = true;
78              }
79          }
80          // life is in percent
81          int life = BsdSysctlUtil.sysctl("", -1);
82          if (life > 0) {
83              psRemainingCapacityPercent = life / 100d;
84          }
85          List<String> acpiconf = ExecutingCommand.runNative("acpiconf -i 0");
86          Map<String, String> psMap = new HashMap<>();
87          for (String line : acpiconf) {
88              String[] split = line.split(":", 2);
89              if (split.length > 1) {
90                  String value = split[1].trim();
91                  if (!value.isEmpty()) {
92                      psMap.put(split[0], value);
93                  }
94              }
95          }
97          String psDeviceName = psMap.getOrDefault("Model number", Constants.UNKNOWN);
98          String psSerialNumber = psMap.getOrDefault("Serial number", Constants.UNKNOWN);
99          String psChemistry = psMap.getOrDefault("Type", Constants.UNKNOWN);
100         String psManufacturer = psMap.getOrDefault("OEM info", Constants.UNKNOWN);
101         String cap = psMap.get("Design capacity");
102         if (cap != null) {
103             psDesignCapacity = ParseUtil.getFirstIntValue(cap);
104             if (cap.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT).contains("mah")) {
105                 psCapacityUnits = CapacityUnits.MAH;
106             } else if (cap.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT).contains("mwh")) {
107                 psCapacityUnits = CapacityUnits.MWH;
108             }
109         }
110         cap = psMap.get("Last full capacity");
111         if (cap != null) {
112             psMaxCapacity = ParseUtil.getFirstIntValue(cap);
113         } else {
114             psMaxCapacity = psDesignCapacity;
115         }
116         double psTimeRemainingInstant = psTimeRemainingEstimated;
117         String time = psMap.get("Remaining time");
118         if (time != null) {
119             String[] hhmm = time.split(":");
120             if (hhmm.length == 2) {
121                 psTimeRemainingInstant = 3600d * ParseUtil.parseIntOrDefault(hhmm[0], 0)
122                         + 60d * ParseUtil.parseIntOrDefault(hhmm[1], 0);
123             }
124         }
125         String rate = psMap.get("Present rate");
126         if (rate != null) {
127             psPowerUsageRate = ParseUtil.getFirstIntValue(rate);
128         }
129         String volts = psMap.get("Present voltage");
130         if (volts != null) {
131             psVoltage = ParseUtil.getFirstIntValue(volts);
132             if (psVoltage != 0) {
133                 psAmperage = psPowerUsageRate / psVoltage;
134             }
135         }
137         return new FreeBsdPowerSource(psName, psDeviceName, psRemainingCapacityPercent, psTimeRemainingEstimated,
138                 psTimeRemainingInstant, psPowerUsageRate, psVoltage, psAmperage, psPowerOnLine, psCharging,
139                 psDischarging, psCapacityUnits, psCurrentCapacity, psMaxCapacity, psDesignCapacity, psCycleCount,
140                 psChemistry, psManufactureDate, psManufacturer, psSerialNumber, psTemperature);
141     }
142 }