Uses of Class
Packages that use Triplet
Provides functions to query statistics in the Linux /proc pseudo-filesystem
Provides functions to query information on AIX
Provides functions to query FreeBSD disk information
Provides functions to query information in windows
Provides functions to query data in Windows Registry
Provides utilities for parsing, formatting, and other access
Uses of Triplet in oshi.driver.linux.proc
Methods in oshi.driver.linux.proc that return TripletModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionProcessStat.getPidStats
(int pid) Reads the statistics in/proc/[pid]/stat
and returns the results. -
Uses of Triplet in oshi.driver.unix.aix
Methods in oshi.driver.unix.aix that return TripletModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionPsInfo.queryArgsEnvAddrs
(int pid, AixLibc.AixPsInfo psinfo) Reads the pr_argc, pr_argv, and pr_envp fields from /proc/pid/psinfoLscfg.queryBackplaneModelSerialVersion
(List<String> lscfg) Parse the output oflscfg -vp
to get backplane info -
Uses of Triplet in oshi.driver.unix.freebsd.disk
Methods in oshi.driver.unix.freebsd.disk that return types with arguments of type Triplet -
Uses of Triplet in
Methods in that return TripletModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic Triplet<List<CentralProcessor.LogicalProcessor>,
List<CentralProcessor.PhysicalProcessor>, List<CentralProcessor.ProcessorCache>> LogicalProcessorInformation.getLogicalProcessorInformation()
Get a list of logical processors on this machinestatic Triplet<List<CentralProcessor.LogicalProcessor>,
List<CentralProcessor.PhysicalProcessor>, List<CentralProcessor.ProcessorCache>> LogicalProcessorInformation.getLogicalProcessorInformationEx()
Get a list of logical processors on this machine. -
Uses of Triplet in
Methods in that return TripletModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic <T extends Enum<T> & PerfCounterWildcardQuery.PdhCounterWildcardProperty>
Triplet<List<Map<T,Object>>, Long, Long> HkeyPerformanceDataUtil.readPerfDataFromRegistry
(String objectName, Class<T> counterEnum) Reads and parses a block of performance data from the registry. -
Uses of Triplet in oshi.util