Uses of Class
Packages that use Quartet
Provides functions to query statistics in the Linux /proc pseudo-filesystem
Provides functions to query OpenBSD information
Provides functions to query Solaris information
Provides abstract classes for common code
Provides information about hardware such as Memory, Power Sources, and Processor on OpenBSD systems
Uses of Quartet in oshi.driver.linux.proc
Methods in oshi.driver.linux.proc that return Quartet -
Uses of Quartet in oshi.driver.unix.openbsd.disk
Methods in oshi.driver.unix.openbsd.disk that return QuartetModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionDisklabel.getDiskParams
(String diskName) Gets disk and partition information -
Uses of Quartet in oshi.driver.unix.solaris
Methods in oshi.driver.unix.solaris that return QuartetModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionPsInfo.queryArgsEnvAddrs
(int pid, SolarisLibc.SolarisPsInfo psinfo) Reads the pr_argc, pr_argv, pr_envp, and pr_dmodel fields from /proc/pid/psinfo -
Uses of Quartet in oshi.hardware.common
Methods in oshi.hardware.common that return QuartetModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprotected abstract Quartet<List<CentralProcessor.LogicalProcessor>,
List<CentralProcessor.PhysicalProcessor>, List<CentralProcessor.ProcessorCache>, List<String>> AbstractCentralProcessor.initProcessorCounts()
Initializes logical and physical processor lists and feature flags. -
Uses of Quartet in oshi.hardware.platform.unix.openbsd
Methods in oshi.hardware.platform.unix.openbsd that return QuartetModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprotected Quartet<List<CentralProcessor.LogicalProcessor>,
List<CentralProcessor.PhysicalProcessor>, List<CentralProcessor.ProcessorCache>, List<String>> OpenBsdCentralProcessor.initProcessorCounts()