Uses of Annotation Type
Packages that use ThreadSafe
Provides functions to query Linux information
Provides functions to query statistics in the Linux /proc pseudo-filesystem
Provides functions to query Mac info
Provides functions to query Mac disk info
Provides functions to query Mac network info
Provides functions to query information common to all unix systems
Provides functions to query information on AIX
Provides functions to query information on AIX using the libperfstat api
Provides functions to query FreeBSD information
Provides functions to query FreeBSD disk information
Provides functions to query OpenBSD information
Provides functions to query Solaris information
Provides functions to query Solaris disk information
Provides functions to query Solaris kstat information
Provides functions to query information in windows
Provides functions to query counters in windows performance monitor (or WMI counter tables)
Provides functions to query data in Windows Registry
Provides functions to query properties in WMI classes
[oshi-core API] Provides cross-platform implementation to retrieve hardware information such as CPU, Memory, Display,
Disks, Network Interfaces, Power Sources, Sensors, and USB Devices
Provides abstract classes for common code
Provides information about hardware such as Memory, Power Sources, and Processor on Linux systems
Provides information about hardware such as Memory, Power Sources, and Processor on Mac systems
Provides mappings for Unix-based operating systems
Provides information about hardware such as Memory, Power Sources, and Processor on AIX systems
Provides information about hardware such as Memory, Power Sources, and Processor on FreeBSD systems
Provides information about hardware such as Memory, Power Sources, and Processor on OpenBSD systems
Provides information about hardware such as Memory, Power Sources, and Processor on Solaris systems
Provides information about hardware such as Memory, Power Sources, and Processor on Windows systems
Provides abstract classes for common code
[oshi-core API] Provides cross-platform implementation to retrieve OS, FileSystem, and Process information
Provides information about Software and OS on Linux
Provides information about Software and OS on macOS
Provides information about Software and OS on AIX
Provides information about Software and OS on FreeBSD
Provides information about Software and OS on OpenBSD
Provides information about Software and OS on Solaris
Provides information about Software and OS on Windows
Provides utilities for parsing, formatting, and other access
Provides utilities for Linux
Provides utilities for macOS.
Provides utilities for FreeBSD
Provides utilities for OpenBSD
Provides utilities for Solaris
Provides utilities for Windows.
Provides classes encapsulating multiple objects, intended as return types from methods
Uses of ThreadSafe in oshi.driver.linux
Classes in oshi.driver.linux with annotations of type ThreadSafeModifier and TypeClassDescriptionfinal class
Utility to read info from the devicetreefinal class
Utility to read info fromdmidecode
final class
Utility to read info fromlshal
final class
Utility to read info fromlshw
final class
Utility to read info fromsysfs
final class
Utility to query logged in users. -
Uses of ThreadSafe in oshi.driver.linux.proc
Classes in oshi.driver.linux.proc with annotations of type ThreadSafeModifier and TypeClassDescriptionfinal class
Utility to read auxiliary vector from/proc/self/auxv
final class
Utility to read CPU info from/proc/cpuinfo
final class
Utility to read CPU statistics from/proc/stat
final class
Utility to read disk statistics from/proc/diskstats
final class
Utility to read process statistics from/proc/[pid]/stat
final class
Utility to read system uptime from/proc/uptime
Uses of ThreadSafe in oshi.driver.mac
Classes in oshi.driver.mac with annotations of type ThreadSafeModifier and TypeClassDescriptionfinal class
Utility to query threads for a processfinal class
Utility to query logged in class
Utility to query desktop windows -
Uses of ThreadSafe in oshi.driver.mac.disk
Classes in oshi.driver.mac.disk with annotations of type ThreadSafe -
Uses of ThreadSafe in
Classes in with annotations of type ThreadSafe -
Uses of ThreadSafe in oshi.driver.unix
Classes in oshi.driver.unix with annotations of type ThreadSafe -
Uses of ThreadSafe in oshi.driver.unix.aix
Classes in oshi.driver.unix.aix with annotations of type ThreadSafeModifier and TypeClassDescriptionfinal class
Utility to query lsfinal class
Utility to query lscfgfinal class
Utility to query lspvfinal class
Utility to query lssradfinal class
Utility to query /proc/psinfofinal class
Utility to query up class
Utility to query logged in users. -
Uses of ThreadSafe in oshi.driver.unix.aix.perfstat
Classes in oshi.driver.unix.aix.perfstat with annotations of type ThreadSafeModifier and TypeClassDescriptionfinal class
Utility to query partition configfinal class
Utility to query performance stats for cpufinal class
Utility to query performance stats for disk_statsfinal class
Utility to query performance stats for memoryfinal class
Utility to query performance stats for network interfacesfinal class
Utility to query performance stats for processesfinal class
Utility to query performance stats for network interfaces -
Uses of ThreadSafe in oshi.driver.unix.freebsd
Classes in oshi.driver.unix.freebsd with annotations of type ThreadSafe -
Uses of ThreadSafe in oshi.driver.unix.freebsd.disk
Classes in oshi.driver.unix.freebsd.disk with annotations of type ThreadSafeModifier and TypeClassDescriptionfinal class
Utility to query geom part listfinal class
Utility to query geom part listfinal class
Utility to query mount -
Uses of ThreadSafe in oshi.driver.unix.openbsd.disk
Classes in oshi.driver.unix.openbsd.disk with annotations of type ThreadSafeModifier and TypeClassDescriptionfinal class
Utility class parsing partition information from disklabel command -
Uses of ThreadSafe in oshi.driver.unix.solaris
Classes in oshi.driver.unix.solaris with annotations of type ThreadSafe -
Uses of ThreadSafe in oshi.driver.unix.solaris.disk
Classes in oshi.driver.unix.solaris.disk with annotations of type ThreadSafe -
Uses of ThreadSafe in oshi.driver.unix.solaris.kstat
Classes in oshi.driver.unix.solaris.kstat with annotations of type ThreadSafe -
Uses of ThreadSafe in
Classes in with annotations of type ThreadSafeModifier and TypeClassDescriptionfinal class
Utility to query device interfaces via Config Manager Device Tree functionsfinal class
Utility to query Desktop windowsfinal class
Utility to query Logical Processor Information -
Uses of ThreadSafe in
Classes in with annotations of type ThreadSafeModifier and TypeClassDescriptionfinal class
Utility to calculate a load average equivalent metric on class
Utility to query Memory performance counterfinal class
Utility to query Paging File performance counterfinal class
Constants used in Perfmon driver classesfinal class
Tests whether performance counters are disabledfinal class
Utility to query PhysicalDisk performance counterfinal class
Utility to query Process Information performance counterfinal class
Utility to query Processor performance counterfinal class
Utility to query System performance countersfinal class
Utility to query Thread Information performance counter -
Uses of ThreadSafe in
Classes in with annotations of type ThreadSafeModifier and TypeClassDescriptionfinal class
Utility to read HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA class
Utility to read session data from HKEY_USERSfinal class
Utility to read process data from HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA information with backup from Performance Counters or WMIfinal class
Utility to read process data from HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA information with backup from Performance Counters or WMIfinal class
Utility to read process data from HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA information with backup from Performance Counters or WMIfinal class
Utility to read process data from HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA information with backup from Performance Counters or WMIfinal class
Utility to read thread data from HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA information with backup from Performance Counters or WMI -
Uses of ThreadSafe in
Classes in with annotations of type ThreadSafeModifier and TypeClassDescriptionfinal class
Utility to query WMI classMSAcpi_ThermalZoneTemperature
final class
Utility to query WMI classes in Storage namespace assocaited with Storage Poolsfinal class
Utility to query Open Hardware Monitor WMI data for Hardwarefinal class
Utility to query Open Hardware Monitor WMI data for Sensorsfinal class
Utility to query WMI classWin32_BaseBoard
final class
Utility to query WMI classWin32_BIOS
final class
Utility to query WMI classWin32_ComputerSystem
final class
Utility to query WMI classWin32_ComputerSystemProduct
final class
Utility to query WMI classWin32_DiskDrive
final class
Utility to query WMI classWin32_DiskDriveToDiskPartition
final class
Utility to query WMI classWin32_DiskPartition
final class
Utility to query WMI classWin32_Fan
final class
Utility to query WMI classWin32_LogicalDisk
final class
Utility to query WMI classWin32_LogicalDiskToPartition
final class
Utility to query WMI classWin32_OperatingSystem
final class
Utility to query WMI classWin32_PhysicalMemory
final class
Utility to query WMI classWin32_Process
final class
Utility to query WMI classWin32_Process
using cachefinal class
Utility to query WMI classWin32_Processor
final class
Utility to query WMI classWin32_VideoController
Uses of ThreadSafe in oshi.hardware
Classes in oshi.hardware with annotations of type ThreadSafeModifier and TypeInterfaceDescriptioninterface
This class represents the entire Central Processing Unit (CPU) of a computer system, which may contain one or more physical packages (sockets), one or more physical processors (cores), and one or more logical processors (what the Operating System sees, which may include hyperthreaded cores.)interface
The GlobalMemory class tracks information about the use of a computer's physical memory (RAM) as well as any available virtual memory.interface
A hardware abstraction layer.interface
A storage mechanism where data are recorded by various electronic, magnetic, optical, or mechanical changes to a surface layer of one or more rotating disks or or flash storage such as a removable or solid state drive.interface
A network interface in the machine, including statistics.interface
The Power Source is one or more batteries with some capacity, and some state of charge/dischargeinterface
Sensors include hardware sensors to monitor temperature, fan speed, and other information.interface
The VirtuallMemory class tracks information about the use of a computer's virtual memory (swap file) which temporarily moves rarely accessed information to a disk or other storage device. -
Uses of ThreadSafe in oshi.hardware.common
Classes in oshi.hardware.common with annotations of type ThreadSafeModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
A CPU.class
Memory info.class
Common fields or methods used by platform-specific implementations of HardwareAbstractionLayerclass
Common methods for platform HWDiskStore classesclass
Network interfaces implementation.class
A Power Sourceclass
Sensors from WMI or Open Hardware Monitorclass
Virtual Memory info. -
Uses of ThreadSafe in oshi.hardware.platform.linux
Classes in oshi.hardware.platform.linux with annotations of type ThreadSafeModifier and TypeClassDescriptionfinal class
Memory obtained by /proc/meminfo and sysinfo.totalramfinal class
LinuxHardwareAbstractionLayer class
Linux hard disk class
LinuxNetworks class
A Power Source -
Uses of ThreadSafe in oshi.hardware.platform.mac
Classes in oshi.hardware.platform.mac with annotations of type ThreadSafeModifier and TypeClassDescriptionfinal class
MacHardwareAbstractionLayer class
Mac hard disk class
MacNetworks class
A Power Source -
Uses of ThreadSafe in oshi.hardware.platform.unix
Classes in oshi.hardware.platform.unix with annotations of type ThreadSafeModifier and TypeClassDescriptionfinal class
BsdNetworkIF applicable to FreeBSD and class
A Display -
Uses of ThreadSafe in oshi.hardware.platform.unix.aix
Classes in oshi.hardware.platform.unix.aix with annotations of type ThreadSafeModifier and TypeClassDescriptionfinal class
AIXHardwareAbstractionLayer class
AIX hard disk class
AIXNetworks class
A Power Source -
Uses of ThreadSafe in oshi.hardware.platform.unix.freebsd
Classes in oshi.hardware.platform.unix.freebsd with annotations of type ThreadSafeModifier and TypeClassDescriptionfinal class
FreeBsdHardwareAbstractionLayer class
FreeBSD hard disk class
A Power Source -
Uses of ThreadSafe in oshi.hardware.platform.unix.openbsd
Classes in oshi.hardware.platform.unix.openbsd with annotations of type ThreadSafeModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
OpenBSD Central Processor implementationfinal class
OpenBsdHardwareAbstractionLayer class
OpenBSD hard disk class
A Power Source -
Uses of ThreadSafe in oshi.hardware.platform.unix.solaris
Classes in oshi.hardware.platform.unix.solaris with annotations of type ThreadSafeModifier and TypeClassDescriptionfinal class
SolarisHardwareAbstractionLayer class
Solaris hard disk class
SolarisNetworks class
A Power Source -
Uses of ThreadSafe in
Classes in with annotations of type ThreadSafeModifier and TypeClassDescriptionfinal class
WindowsHardwareAbstractionLayer class
Windows hard disk class
WindowsNetworks class
A Power Source -
Uses of ThreadSafe in
Classes in with annotations of type ThreadSafeModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Common methods for filesystem implementationsclass
Common NetworkParams implementation.class
Common implementations for OSFileStoreclass
A process is an instance of a computer program that is being executed.class
Common methods for OSThread implementation -
Uses of ThreadSafe in
Classes in with annotations of type ThreadSafeModifier and TypeInterfaceDescriptioninterface
The File System is a logical arrangement, usually in a hierarchial tree, where files are placed for storage and retrieval.interface
Includes key statistics of TCP and UDP protocolsinterface
NetworkParams presents network parameters of running OS, such as DNS, host name etc.interface
An operating system (OS) is the software on a computer that manages the way different programs use its hardware, and regulates the ways that a user controls the computer.interface
A FileStore represents a storage pool, device, partition, volume, concrete file system or other implementation specific means of file storage.interface
Represents a Process on the operating system, which may contain multiple threads. -
Uses of ThreadSafe in
Classes in with annotations of type ThreadSafeModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
The Linux File System containsOSFileStore
s which are a storage pool, device, partition, volume, concrete file system or other implementation specific means of file storage.class
Internet Protocol Stats implementationclass
Linux is a family of open source Unix-like operating systems based on the Linux kernel, an operating system kernel first released on September 17, 1991, by Linus Torvalds.class
OSFileStore implementationclass
OSProcess implementationclass
OSThread implementation -
Uses of ThreadSafe in
Classes in with annotations of type ThreadSafeModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
The Mac File System containsOSFileStore
s which are a storage pool, device, partition, volume, concrete file system or other implementation specific means of file storage.class
Internet Protocol Stats implementationclass
macOS, previously Mac OS X and later OS X) is a series of proprietary graphical operating systems developed and marketed by Apple Inc. since 2001.class
OSFileStore implementationclass
OSProcess implementationclass
OSThread implementation -
Uses of ThreadSafe in
Classes in with annotations of type ThreadSafeModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
The AIX File System containsOSFileStore
s which are a storage pool, device, partition, volume, concrete file system or other implementation specific means of file storage.class
Internet Protocol Stats implementationclass
AIX (Advanced Interactive eXecutive) is a series of proprietary Unix operating systems developed and sold by IBM for several of its computer platforms.class
OSFileStore implementationclass
OSProcess implementationclass
OSThread implementation -
Uses of ThreadSafe in
Classes in with annotations of type ThreadSafeModifier and TypeClassDescriptionfinal class
The FreeBSD File System containsOSFileStore
s which are a storage pool, device, partition, volume, concrete file system or other implementation specific means of file storage.class
Internet Protocol Stats implementationclass
FreeBSD is a free and open-source Unix-like operating system descended from the Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD), which was based on Research Unix.class
OSFileStore implementationclass
OSProcess implementationclass
OSThread implementation -
Uses of ThreadSafe in
Classes in with annotations of type ThreadSafeModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
The FreeBSD File System containsOSFileStore
s which are a storage pool, device, partition, volume, concrete file system or other implementation specific means of file storage.class
Internet Protocol Stats implementationclass
OpenBsdNetworkParams class.class
OpenBsd is a free and open-source Unix-like operating system descended from the Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD), which was based on Research Unix.class
OSFileStore implementationclass
OSProcess implementationclass
OSThread implementation -
Uses of ThreadSafe in
Classes in with annotations of type ThreadSafeModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
The Solaris File System containsOSFileStore
s which are a storage pool, device, partition, volume, concrete file system or other implementation specific means of file storage.class
Internet Protocol Stats implementationclass
Solaris is a non-free Unix operating system originally developed by Sun Microsystems.class
OSFileStore implementationclass
OSProcess implementationclass
OSThread implementation -
Uses of ThreadSafe in
Classes in with annotations of type ThreadSafeModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
The Windows File System containsOSFileStore
s which are a storage pool, device, partition, volume, concrete file system or other implementation specific means of file storage.class
Internet Protocol Stats implementationclass
Microsoft Windows, commonly referred to as Windows, is a group of several proprietary graphical operating system families, all of which are developed and marketed by Microsoft.class
OSFileStore implementationclass
OSProcess implementationclass
OSThread implementation -
Uses of ThreadSafe in oshi.util
Classes in oshi.util with annotations of type ThreadSafeModifier and TypeClassDescriptionfinal class
General constants used in multiple classesfinal class
EDID parsing class
A class for executing on the command line and returning the result of class
Utility class for common filesystem codefinal class
File reading methodsfinal class
Formatting utility for appending units or converting between number class
A memoized function stores the output corresponding to some set of specific class
String parsing class
Utility class to temporarily cache the userID and group maps in *nix, for parsing process class
General utility methods -
Uses of ThreadSafe in oshi.util.platform.linux
Classes in oshi.util.platform.linux with annotations of type ThreadSafe -
Uses of ThreadSafe in oshi.util.platform.mac
Classes in oshi.util.platform.mac with annotations of type ThreadSafeModifier and TypeClassDescriptionfinal class
CF String retrievingfinal class
Provides access to SMC calls on macOSfinal class
Provides access to sysctl calls on macOS -
Uses of ThreadSafe in oshi.util.platform.unix.freebsd
Classes in oshi.util.platform.unix.freebsd with annotations of type ThreadSafeModifier and TypeClassDescriptionfinal class
Provides access to sysctl calls on FreeBSDfinal class
Reads from procstat into a map -
Uses of ThreadSafe in oshi.util.platform.unix.openbsd
Classes in oshi.util.platform.unix.openbsd with annotations of type ThreadSafeModifier and TypeClassDescriptionfinal class
Reads from class
Provides access to sysctl calls on OpenBSD -
Uses of ThreadSafe in oshi.util.platform.unix.solaris
Classes in oshi.util.platform.unix.solaris with annotations of type ThreadSafeModifier and TypeClassDescriptionfinal class
Provides access to kstat information on Solaris -
Uses of ThreadSafe in
Classes in with annotations of type ThreadSafeModifier and TypeClassDescriptionfinal class
Enables queries of Performance Counters using wild cards to filter instancesfinal class
Enables queries of Performance Counters using wild cards to filter instancesfinal class
Helper class to centralize the boilerplate portions of PDH counter setup and allow applications to easily add, query, and remove counters.class
Utility to handle WMI class
Helper class for WMI -
Uses of ThreadSafe in oshi.util.tuples
Classes in oshi.util.tuples with annotations of type ThreadSafeModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
B> Convenience class for returning multiple objects from methods.class
B, C, D> Convenience class for returning multiple objects from methods.class
B, C, D, E> Convenience class for returning multiple objects from methods.class
B, C> Convenience class for returning multiple objects from methods.