Class KstatUtil


@ThreadSafe public final class KstatUtil extends Object
Provides access to kstat information on Solaris
  • Nested Class Summary

    Nested Classes
    Modifier and Type
    static final class 
    A copy of the Kstat chain, encapsulating a kstat_ctl_t object.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static long
    dataLookupLong(com.sun.jna.platform.unix.solaris.LibKstat.Kstat ksp, String name)
    Convenience method for LibKstat.kstat_data_lookup(com.sun.jna.platform.unix.solaris.LibKstat.Kstat, java.lang.String) with numeric return values.
    static String
    dataLookupString(com.sun.jna.platform.unix.solaris.LibKstat.Kstat ksp, String name)
    Convenience method for LibKstat.kstat_data_lookup(com.sun.jna.platform.unix.solaris.LibKstat.Kstat, java.lang.String) with String return values.
    Lock the Kstat chain for use by this object until it's closed.
    static Object[]
    queryKstat2(String mapStr, String... names)
    Query Kstat2 with a single map
    static List<Object[]>
    queryKstat2List(String beforeStr, String afterStr, String... names)
    Query Kstat2 iterating over maps using a wildcard indicating a 0-indexed list, such as a cpu.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Method Details

    • openChain

      public static KstatUtil.KstatChain openChain()
      Lock the Kstat chain for use by this object until it's closed.
      A locked copy of the chain. It should be unlocked/released when you are done with it with KstatUtil.KstatChain.close().
    • dataLookupString

      public static String dataLookupString(com.sun.jna.platform.unix.solaris.LibKstat.Kstat ksp, String name)
      Convenience method for LibKstat.kstat_data_lookup(com.sun.jna.platform.unix.solaris.LibKstat.Kstat, java.lang.String) with String return values. Searches the kstat's data section for the record with the specified name. This operation is valid only for kstat types which have named data records. Currently, only the KSTAT_TYPE_NAMED and KSTAT_TYPE_TIMER kstats have named data records.
      ksp - The kstat to search
      name - The key for the name-value pair, or name of the timer as applicable
      The value as a String.
    • dataLookupLong

      public static long dataLookupLong(com.sun.jna.platform.unix.solaris.LibKstat.Kstat ksp, String name)
      Convenience method for LibKstat.kstat_data_lookup(com.sun.jna.platform.unix.solaris.LibKstat.Kstat, java.lang.String) with numeric return values. Searches the kstat's data section for the record with the specified name. This operation is valid only for kstat types which have named data records. Currently, only the KSTAT_TYPE_NAMED and KSTAT_TYPE_TIMER kstats have named data records.
      ksp - The kstat to search
      name - The key for the name-value pair, or name of the timer as applicable
      The value as a long. If the data type is a character or string type, returns 0 and logs an error.
    • queryKstat2

      public static Object[] queryKstat2(String mapStr, String... names)
      Query Kstat2 with a single map
      mapStr - The map to query
      names - Names of data to query
      An object array with the data corresponding to the names
    • queryKstat2List

      public static List<Object[]> queryKstat2List(String beforeStr, String afterStr, String... names)
      Query Kstat2 iterating over maps using a wildcard indicating a 0-indexed list, such as a cpu.
      beforeStr - The part of the string before the wildcard
      afterStr - The part of the string after the wildcard
      names - Names of data to query
      A list of object arrays with the data corresponding to the names